Profile The_Dice_Breaker

1771 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 8, Division 4B, Rank 2
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

1 : 19

2245 : 4700 (+2nd obj.)


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Ogre Khans League 29.03.2024

15 : 5

1992 (+2nd obj.) : 1540


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 13.04.2024
Matt Wilson

19 : 1

3235 (+2nd obj.) : 930


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Highborn Elves League 06.05.2024

16 : 4

3987 (+2nd obj.) : 3045


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Empire of Sonnstahl League 28.03.2024

17 : 3

3752 (+2nd obj.) : 2105


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Daemon Legions League 08.04.2024

Lists this season

I'll punch your face (In a friendly way)_1
Warriors of the Dark Gods

Warriors of the Dark Gods 810 - Exalted Herald 575 - Chosen Lord, General, War Dais, Trophy Rack, Shield, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Talisman of Shielding, Immortal Gauntlets, Greed, Entropic Aura 245 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Plate Armour, Paired Weapons 580 - 23 Warriors, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion 325 - 35 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion 660 - 10 Chosen, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion 640 - 4 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion 355 - Battleshrine, Ledger of Souls 310 - Hellmaw 4500

Old Classic_2
Warriors of the Dark Gods

Ogre Khans 495 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Lygur's Tongue 470 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Iron Fist, Magical Heirloom 370 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Cult Leader 740 - 10 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion 200 - 5 Sabretooth Tigers 200 - 5 Sabretooth Tigers 730 - 5 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget), Musician, Champion 697 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Accurate, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion 235 - Scratapult 360 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Hunting Spear 4497
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