Profile Cyberogg

1607 ladder points
Cyberogg #1954

Participated in Seasons

Season 2, Division 5A, Rank 5
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


None vs None Promotion 23.01.2022
Phillip Karl

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


None vs None League 08.12.2021

3 : 17

0 : 1406 (+2nd obj.)


Ogre Khans vs Orcs and Goblins League 10.11.2021

14 : 6

1400 : 0


Ogre Khans vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 08.12.2021

0 : 20

0 : 4900 (+2nd obj.)


Ogre Khans vs Infernal Dwarfs League 02.11.2021

0 : 20

0 : 4900 (+2nd obj.)


Ogre Khans vs Infernal Dwarfs League 10.10.2021

Lists this season

Ogre Khans

475 - Shaman, General, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Paired Weapons, Magical Heirloom 375 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Obsidian Rock, Cult Leader 715 - 9 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion 195 - 3 Bruisers, Musician 221 - 4 Tribesmen, Musician, Champion 545 - 5 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Musician, Champion 277 - 3 Mercenary Veterans, Iron Fist, Swiftstride, Devastating Charge 180 - Kin-Eater 180 - Kin-Eater 245 - Scratapult 245 - Scratapult 180 - 3 Bombardiers 180 - 3 Bombardiers 180 - 3 Bombardiers 305 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon 4498

Ogre Khans

500 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Lygur's Tongue, Spinesplitter 640 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Great Weapon, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom, Trolleater 380 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Cult Leader 790 - 10 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion 185 - 3 Bruisers 155 - 3 Tribesmen 657 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Musician, Champion 445 - 3 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion 180 - Kin-Eater 180 - Kin-Eater 80 - Sabretooth Tigers 305 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon 4497
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