Profile Lakonas

1153 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 2, Division 9B, Rank 4
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

10 : 10

890 : 1005


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Beast Heards League 08.12.2021

15 : 5

4255 : 2143


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Vampire Convenant League 05.11.2021
John Wiff

10 : 10

1000 : 931


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Vermin Swarm League 09.11.2021

9 : 11

1298 : 733 (+2nd obj.)


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Empire of Sonnstahl League 26.10.2021

0 : 20

905 : 4080 (+2nd obj.)


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Infernal Dwarfs League 29.09.2021

Lists this season

Warriors of the Dark Gods

Warriors of the Dark Gods 655 - Sorcerer, Veil Walker, Black Steed, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom 620 - Doomlord, Trophy Rack (Aether Icon), Spiked Shield (Dusk Forged), Hellforged Armour (Basalt Infusion), Great Weapon, Immortal Gauntlets 610 - Chosen Lord, General, War Dais, Trophy Rack (Rending Banner), Shield, Paired Weapons, Talisman of Shielding, Obsidian Rock, Gluttony, Entropic Aura 700 - 25 Warriors, Paired Weapons, Gluttony, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion 200 - 15 Barbarians, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician, Champion 510 - 6 Forsworn, Spiked Shield, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion 376 - 3 Feldraks, Paired Weapons, Musician 330 - 5 Warrior Knights, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion 245 - 3 Wretched Ones 155 - 5 Flayers, Shield 95 - 5 Warhounds 4496

Master on Battleshrine
Warriors of the Dark Gods

Warriors of the Dark Gods 880 - Sorcerer, Veil Walker, Battleshrine, Wizard Master, Evocation, Aether Icon, Plate Armour (Gladiator's Spirit), Binding Scroll, Wyrd Stone 345 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Plate Armour, Book of Arcane Mastery, Crystal Ball 650 - Chosen Lord, General, War Dais, Trophy Rack (Banner of Speed), Shield, Halberd, Talisman of Shielding, Obsidian Rock, Sloth, Entropic Aura 783 - 19 Warriors, Halberd, Sloth, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion 450 - 15 Warriors, Lust, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion 460 - 3 Chosen Knights, Gluttony, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion 376 - 3 Feldraks, Paired Weapons, Musician 245 - 3 Wretched Ones 155 - 5 Flayers, Shield 155 - 5 Flayers, Shield 4499
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