Profile Ikit976

1754 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 8, Division 1B, Rank 6
Season 7, Division 2A, Rank 1
Season 6, Division 3A, Rank 2
Season 5, Division 4B, Rank 4
Season 4, Division 4B, Rank 4
Season 3, Division 4B, Rank 4
Season 2, Division 4A, Rank 5
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

5 : 15

690 : 2872


Beast Heards vs Infernal Dwarfs League 29.05.2024

6 : 14

1823 : 3310


Beast Heards vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 20.05.2024
Vargo Hoat

1 : 19

1753 : 4639 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Vampire Convenant League 11.05.2024
Borcha - Clément

1 : 19

1270 : 3674 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Ogre Khans League 08.04.2024

0 : 20

1125 : 4899 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 04.04.2024

1 : 19

1393 : 4205 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Daemon Legions Playoffs 01.12.2023

10 : 10

2250 : 2250


Vermin Swarm vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 12.11.2023
Borcha - Clément

13 : 7

2896 (+2nd obj.) : 2872


Beast Heards vs Ogre Khans League 21.09.2023
daemonik (fka teclis2000)

10 : 10

2900 : 2875


Vermin Swarm vs Beast Heards League 20.10.2023
Jose Paulo Soares Pinheiro

15 : 5

3028 (+2nd obj.) : 2334


Beast Heards vs Daemon Legions League 12.09.2023

19 : 1

3806 (+2nd obj.) : 1195


Vermin Swarm vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 07.09.2023

5 : 15

1824 : 3796


Beast Heards vs Infernal Dwarfs Playoffs 05.08.2023

11 : 9

3266 : 2929


Beast Heards vs Warriors of the Dark Gods Playoffs 16.07.2023

13 : 7

4100 : 3100


Beast Heards vs Infernal Dwarfs Playoffs 11.07.2023

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Playoffs 10.07.2023

6 : 14

3490 : 3743 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Dwarven Holds Promotion 29.06.2023

14 : 6

3121 (+2nd obj.) : 2823


Vermin Swarm vs Dread Elves League 25.05.2023

20 : 0

4894 (+2nd obj.) : 295


Beast Heards vs Beast Heards League 16.05.2023

3 : 17

1032 : 4560


Vermin Swarm vs Infernal Dwarfs League 01.05.2023
Lucius van Horn

16 : 4

3573 : 1068


Vermin Swarm vs Infernal Dwarfs League 22.04.2023
Alex Jørgensen

17 : 3

4698 : 400


Vermin Swarm vs Saurian Ancients League 06.04.2023

4 : 16

1291 : 2385 (+2nd obj.)


Vermin Swarm vs Saurian Ancients Promotion 12.01.2023
Mads Gram

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Vermin Swarm vs Dread Elves League 02.12.2022

5 : 15

1968 : 2767 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Undying Dynasties League 07.12.2022
Lucius van Horn

11 : 9

2686 : 2365


Beast Heards vs Infernal Dwarfs League 23.11.2022

2 : 18

253 : 2129 (+2nd obj.)


Vermin Swarm vs Saurian Ancients League 31.10.2022

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Beast Heards vs Åsklanders League 02.12.2022

1 : 19

860 : 3895 (+2nd obj.)


Vermin Swarm vs Empire of Sonnstahl Promotion 02.09.2022
M.J. Van der Meulen

not reported yet


7 : 13

3459 : 3345 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 03.07.2022

13 : 7

1450 (+2nd obj.) : 1374


Beast Heards vs Vermin Swarm League 21.07.2022

12 : 8

2840 : 2190


Vermin Swarm vs Vermin Swarm League 04.07.2022

1 : 19

1138 : 3435 (+2nd obj.)


Vermin Swarm vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 27.06.2022
M.J. Van der Meulen

13 : 7

3595 (+2nd obj.) : 3556


Beast Heards vs Orcs and Goblins League 09.06.2022

10 : 10

4 : 16


Vermin Swarm vs Empire of Sonnstahl Promotion 10.05.2022

0 : 20

712 : 4900 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 04.04.2022

8 : 12

1375 : 1021 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 16.03.2022
Vargo Hoat

6 : 14

3940 : 4285 (+2nd obj.)


Vermin Swarm vs Daemon Legions League 05.03.2022

13 : 7

3674 : 2567


Beast Heards vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 20.02.2022
Javier Centenera

18 : 2

3887 (+2nd obj.) : 1865


Beast Heards vs Beast Heards League 03.02.2022

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 80


Beast Heards vs Infernal Dwarfs Promotion 29.12.2021

7 : 13

2090 : 3043


Beast Heards vs Infernal Dwarfs League 06.12.2021

8 : 12

3260 : 2832 (+2nd obj.)


Dread Elves vs Daemon Legions League 07.12.2021

0 : 20

1104 : 4733 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Highborn Elves League 07.11.2021

0 : 20

726 : 4649 (+2nd obj.)


Dread Elves vs Sylvan Elves League 21.10.2021

19 : 1

3900 (+2nd obj.) : 1350


Beast Heards vs Daemon Legions League 07.10.2021

Lists this season

It's a trap
Beast Heards

580 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour (Trickster's Cunning), Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings), Eye of Dominance, Dragonfire Gem 420 - Beast Lord, General (Ambush, Hunting Call), Shield, Throwing Weapons, Heavy Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (Touch of Greatness), Binding Scroll 305 - Centaur Chieftain, Shield, Heavy Armour, Hand Weapon (Hawthorne Curse), Talisman of Shielding 275 - Beast Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline, Legion Standard), Light Armour (Wild Form), Beast Axe (Fatal Folly) 395 - 25 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Blooded Horn Totem)) 391 - 43 Wildhorn Herd, Shield, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem)) 120 - 10 Mongrel Raiders, Ambush and Scout, Champion 417 - 21 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Blooded Horn Totem)) 375 - 10 Centaurs, Lance, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Black Wing Totem)) 230 - 5 Centaurs, Lance, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Champion 146 - 6 Gargoyles 85 - Briar Beast 85 - Briar Beast 85 - Briar Beast 295 - Beast Giant, Beer Barrel 295 - Beast Giant, Beer Barrel 4499

Doombull Impact
Beast Heards

710 - Minotaur Warlord, General, Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Paired Weapons (Cleansing Light), Binding Scroll, Potion of Swiftness 585 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour (Trickster's Cunning), Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings), Eye of Dominance, Dragonfire Gem 335 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon 384 - 42 Wildhorn Herd, Shield, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem)) 228 - 17 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Musician 315 - 3 Raiding Chariots 794 - 9 Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Black Wing Totem)) 313 - 9 Centaurs, Lance, Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Black Wing Totem)) 225 - Razortusk Chariot 145 - 5 Gargoyles, Scout 85 - Briar Beast 85 - Briar Beast 295 - Beast Giant, Beer Barrel 4499
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