Profile Arosy

1631 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 8, Division 4B, Rank 4
Season 7, Division 4B, Rank 5
Season 5, Division 2B, Rank 5
Season 4, Division 3B, Rank 1
Season 3, Division 6B, Rank 1
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date
Pierre H

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None Promotion 01.07.2024
Matt Wilson

20 : 0

4900 (+2nd obj.) : 1078


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Highborn Elves League 16.05.2024

11 : 9

2161 (+2nd obj.) : 2931


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Daemon Legions League 17.04.2024

5 : 15

1491 : 2009 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 08.04.2024

4 : 16

3045 : 3987 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 28.03.2024

9 : 11

1315 : 1744


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Ogre Khans League 27.03.2024

3 : 17

1804 : 3279 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Kingdom of Equitaine Promotion 12.12.2023

20 : 0

4900 (+2nd obj.) : 613


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Empire of Sonnstahl League 21.10.2023
Mads Gram

0 : 20

200 : 4900 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Dread Elves League 30.10.2023

10 : 10

2222 : 1161 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Sylvan Elves League 17.09.2023

0 : 20

809 : 4900 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Sylvan Elves League 03.11.2023
Matt Wilson

11 : 9

1969 : 1520


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Infernal Dwarfs League 31.10.2023

13 : 7

2928 : 1764


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Warriors of the Dark Gods Promotion 09.01.2023

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None League 03.01.2023

9 : 11

2193 : 2476


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Vermin Swarm League 18.12.2022

4 : 16

1391 : 2542 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Saurian Ancients League 13.11.2022

17 : 3

2727 (+2nd obj.) : 1312


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Highborn Elves League 10.11.2022

4 : 16

0 : 1185 (+2nd obj.)


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Orcs and Goblins League 28.10.2022

20 : 0

4700 (+2nd obj.) : 910


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Vampire Convenant Playoffs 13.10.2022

11 : 9

3181 : 1573 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Daemon Legions Playoffs 02.10.2022

13 : 7

2724 (+2nd obj.) : 2621


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Saurian Ancients Playoffs 29.09.2022

14 : 6

2600 : 800


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Highborn Elves Playoffs 20.09.2022
M.J. Van der Meulen

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Playoffs 11.09.2022

20 : 0

4540 (+2nd obj.) : 744


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Highborn Elves League 07.08.2022
daemonik (fka teclis2000)

6 : 14

2395 : 2833 (+2nd obj.)


Cultists vs Beast Heards League 22.07.2022

16 : 4

2665 : 300


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 05.07.2022

14 : 6

2787 : 1414


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Infernal Dwarfs League 13.06.2022
Big Boss M.

13 : 7

2021 (+2nd obj.) : 2025


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Saurian Ancients League 06.06.2022

1 : 19

1000 : 3600 (+2nd obj.)


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Kingdom of Equitaine Playoffs 24.04.2022

10 : 10

16 : 4


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Vermin Swarm Promotion 10.05.2022

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None League 11.04.2022

not reported yet

Mads Gram

16 : 4

3164 (+2nd obj.) : 1992


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 04.03.2022

9 : 11

2255 : 2701


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Beast Heards League 13.02.2022

20 : 0

4700 (+2nd obj.) : 1220


Empire of Sonnstahl vs Undying Dynasties League 12.02.2022

Lists this season

Empire of Sonnstahl

Empire of Sonnstahl 625 - Prelate, Altar of Battle, Shield, Great Weapon, Plate Armour (Ghostly Guard), Locket of Sunna 380 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Pyromancy 315 - Marshal, General, Shield, Blacksteel, Lucky Charm, Imperial Prince 245 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Alchemist's Alloy 235 - Inquisitor, Shield (Willow's Ward), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Mantle of Ullor, Blessed Steel 485 - 50 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion 270 - 20 Light Infantry, Handgun, Standard Bearer (Marksman's Pennant), Musician 209 - 6 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Lance, Champion 170 - 15 State Militia 429 - 4 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion 235 - Artillery, Cannon 315 - 24 Flagellants, Champion 315 - 24 Flagellants, Champion 270 - 21 Flagellants, Champion 4498

Warriors of the Dark Gods

Warriors of the Dark Gods 840 - Chosen Lord, General, Wasteland Dragon, Trophy Rack (Aether Icon), Shield, Halberd (Cleansing Light), Obsidian Rock, Sloth, Dark Prelate 585 - Chosen Lord, Karkadan, Trophy Rack (Aether Icon), Shield, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Talisman of Shielding, Immortal Gauntlets, Greed, Entropic Aura 275 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Light Armour, Paired Weapons, Crystal Ball 140 - Barbarian Chief, Heavy Armour, Paired Weapons (Symbol of Slaughter) 355 - 40 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion 325 - 35 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion 220 - 10 Fallen 765 - 5 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion 355 - Battleshrine, Ledger of Souls 300 - Marauding Giant, Tribal Warspear 170 - 5 Flayers, Skinning Lash 170 - 5 Flayers, Skinning Lash 4500
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