Profile scaurus2000

1460 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 8, Division 4B, Rank 5
Season 7, Division 6A, Rank 1
Season 6, Division 7A, Rank 4
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

5 : 15

1568 : 3549


Beast Heards vs Infernal Dwarfs Promotion 11.06.2024

10 : 10

1509 : 1671


Daemon Legions vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 26.04.2024

9 : 11

2931 : 2161 (+2nd obj.)


Daemon Legions vs Empire of Sonnstahl League 17.04.2024

3 : 17

1383 : 2855 (+2nd obj.)


Daemon Legions vs Ogre Khans League 04.04.2024
Matt Wilson

15 : 5

4500 : 2340


Beast Heards vs Highborn Elves League 29.04.2024

3 : 17

2105 : 3752 (+2nd obj.)


Daemon Legions vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 08.04.2024

4 : 16

1280 : 2391 (+2nd obj.)


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Vampire Convenant Playoffs 24.11.2023

2 : 18

2203 : 4069 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Saurian Ancients Promotion 13.01.2024
zack walk

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None League 13.11.2023

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


None vs None League 03.11.2023
Nico H.

20 : 0

4700 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Beast Heards vs Warriors of the Dark Gods League 06.10.2023

15 : 5

788 (+2nd obj.) : 95


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Vermin Swarm League 27.09.2023

5 : 15

2174 : 2895 (+2nd obj.)


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Beast Heards League 12.09.2023

10 : 10

1225 (+2nd obj.) : 2326


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Sylvan Elves League 28.05.2023
Ira Steinstein

20 : 0

4497 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Daemon Legions League 21.05.2023

6 : 14

1798 : 3510


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Beast Heards League 30.04.2023

0 : 20

1622 : 4895 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Sylvan Elves League 20.04.2023

20 : 0

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Warriors of the Dark Gods vs Ogre Khans League 10.05.2023

Lists this season

Beast Heards

Beast Herds Characters (Max. 40%) : 1800 / 1800 Core Units (Min. 20%) : 988 / 900 Special : 1151 Terrors of the Wild (Max. 40%) : 560 / 1800 Ambush Predators (Max. 60%) : 1206 / 2700 Extra : 0 Beast Lord, General (Hunting Call), Razortusk Chariot, Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon (Cleansing Light), Binding Scroll, Lightning Vambraces - 590 Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Raiding Chariot, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Heavy Armour (Death Cheater), Beast Axe - 465 Soothsayer, Raiding Chariot, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings), Obsidian Rock - 375 Soothsayer, Raiding Chariot, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Light Armour (Basalt Infusion), Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings) - 370 49x Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Blooded Horn Totem)) - 483 15x Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer, Musician - 190 3x Raiding Chariots - 315 24x Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Blooded Horn Totem)) - 468 24x Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Blooded Horn Totem)) - 468 5x Gargoyles - 135 5x Feral Hounds - 80 Jabberwock - 280 Jabberwock - 280 4499

Daemon Legions

Daemon Legions Characters (Max. 40%) : 1770 / 1800 Core Units (Min. 25%) : 1127 / 1125 Special : 1599 Aves (Max. 35%) : 1480 / 1575 Mounts : 0 Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Living Shield, Chitinous Scales, Brimstone Secretions, Whipcrack Tail, Incendiary Ichor - 935 Kuulima's Deceiver, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Adept, Guiding Venom Sacs, Piercing Spike, Fly - 545 Harbinger of Father Chaos, Wizard Adept, Divination - 290 22x Lemures, Stiff Upper Lip, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion - 517 20x Imps, Aura of Despair, Musician - 390 10x Imps, Aura of Despair - 220 Hope Harvester, Engine of Damnation, Aura of Despair - 390 Hope Harvester, Aura of Despair - 310 5x Eidolons, Scout, Aura of Despair, Champion - 365 8x Eidolons, Aura of Despair - 334 Titanslayer Chariot, Standard Bearer - 200 4496
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