Profile Shizuu

1674 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 9, Division 4A, Rank 2
Season 7, Division 4B, Rank 3
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

0 : 20

0 : 4000 (+2nd obj.)


Highborn Elves vs Warriors of the Dark Gods Playoffs 20.12.2024
Chosen of Sigmar

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None Promotion 23.12.2024

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None League 02.12.2024

14 : 6

1319 (+2nd obj.) : 725


Highborn Elves vs Saurian Ancients League 03.11.2024

20 : 0

3495 (+2nd obj.) : 1100


Highborn Elves vs Vermin Swarm League 16.10.2024

20 : 0

4040 (+2nd obj.) : 1428


Daemon Legions vs Highborn Elves League 06.10.2024

17 : 3

2047 (+2nd obj.) : 700


Daemon Legions vs Dread Elves League 01.10.2024

10 : 10

3100 : 3113


Sylvan Elves vs Daemon Legions League 08.11.2023

5 : 15

1775 : 2528 (+2nd obj.)


Sylvan Elves vs Empire of Sonnstahl League 21.09.2023

10 : 10

1161 (+2nd obj.) : 2222


Sylvan Elves vs Empire of Sonnstahl League 17.09.2023
Matt Wilson

19 : 1

3966 (+2nd obj.) : 1285


Sylvan Elves vs Infernal Dwarfs League 25.09.2023
Mads Gram

13 : 7

3141 : 2103


Sylvan Elves vs Dread Elves League 27.09.2023

Lists this season

Senti / Kulli
Daemon Legions

Daemon Legions 765 - Sentinel of Nukuja, Strixian Spirit, Thaumaturgy (Smite the Unbeliever, Weight of Judgement, Holy Affliction, Rain of Fire), Hellish Larynx, Chitinous Scales 360 - Kuulima's Deceiver, Whispers of the Veil, Smite the Unbeliever 450 - 19 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer 350 - 15 Myrmidons, Bronze Backbone, Standard Bearer 210 - 10 Imps, All-Seeing Eye 495 - 5 Hoarders, Divining Snout, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer 365 - 3 Brazen Beasts, Standard Bearer 365 - 3 Brazen Beasts, Standard Bearer 305 - Hope Harvester, All-Seeing Eye 165 - 5 Hellhounds, Centipede Legs 170 - 5 Furies 4000

HBE Light Troops
Highborn Elves

Highborn Elves 650 - High Prince, General, Griffon, Longbow, Dragonforged Armour, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse (Elemental Blade), Diadem of Protection, Scroll of the Pearl Throne 405 - Mage, Giant Eagle, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy (Flaming Swords, Dragon's Roar, Pyroclastic Flow), Gleaming Robe, Hand Weapon (Giant Slayer) 375 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Master of Canreig Tower (Molten Copper, Weal and Woe, Whispers of the Veil), Light Troops, Banner of Becalming, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse, Talisman of the Void 510 - 30 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon) 245 - 15 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer 245 - 9 Erlein Reavers, Bow 370 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix, Warden's Bond 370 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix, Warden's Bond 215 - 10 Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer 215 - 10 Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer 200 - Sea Guard Reaper 200 - Sea Guard Reaper 4000
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