Profile Circle Hippy

1593 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 8, Division 6A, Rank 3
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

not reported yet


not reported yet

Amra "the Lion"

not reported yet


10 : 10

2500 : 2500


Beast Heards vs Åsklanders League 17.04.2024
Joseph Sampson

11 : 9

2890 : 1282 (+2nd obj.)


Beast Heards vs Orcs and Goblins League 30.03.2024

Lists this season

Ambushing Druidism_1
Beast Heards

Beast Herds 380 - Beast Lord, General (Ambush, Hunting Call), Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon, Crystal Ball, Eye of Dominance 355 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Book of Arcane Mastery 350 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Light Armour (Wild Form), Magical Heirloom, Lightning Vambraces 335 - Beast Chieftain, Ambush, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon 355 - 35 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion 355 - 35 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion 315 - 3 Raiding Chariots 510 - 25 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem)) 225 - Razortusk Chariot 156 - 6 Gargoyles, Scout 85 - Briar Beast 85 - Briar Beast 330 - Cyclops 330 - Cyclops 330 - Cyclops 4496

Ambushing Minotaurs_2
Beast Heards

Beast Herds 380 - Beast Lord, General (Ambush, Hunting Call), Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon, Crystal Ball, Eye of Dominance 355 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Book of Arcane Mastery 350 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Light Armour (Wild Form), Magical Heirloom, Lightning Vambraces 335 - Beast Chieftain, Ambush, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon 385 - 40 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion 385 - 40 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion 315 - 3 Raiding Chariots 503 - 6 Minotaurs, Shield, Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem)) 503 - 6 Minotaurs, Shield, Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem)) 503 - 6 Minotaurs, Shield, Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem)) 485 - 25 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem)) 4499
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