Profile Joseph Sampson

1558 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 8, Division 6A, Rank 4
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

not reported yet

Amra "the Lion"

not reported yet


12 : 8

1890 (+2nd obj.) : 2175


Orcs and Goblins vs Ogre Khans League 27.04.2024

not reported yet

Circle Hippy

9 : 11

1282 (+2nd obj.) : 2890


Orcs and Goblins vs Beast Heards League 30.03.2024

Lists this season

Brutal but Cunning_1
Orcs and Goblins

Orcs and Goblins 495 - Orc Warlord, General (Tribe Leader and Orc Horde), Grunter, Plate Armour, Shield, Hand Weapon (Omen of the Apocalypse), Pan of Protection Pinchin', Obsidian Rock 450 - Iron Orc Loner, Grunter Chariot, Talisman of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem 225 - Orc Shaman, Wizard Adept, Shamanism 225 - Orc Shaman, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy 225 - Orc Shaman, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy 480 - 30 Veteran Orcs, Spear, Shield, Bow, Champion, Musician 325 - 30 Feral Orcs, Bow, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer 325 - 30 Feral Orcs, Bow, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer 480 - 15 Veteran Orc Marauders, Headbashers, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon) 400 - 2 Iron Orc Chariots, Champion 335 - Giant, Armed to the Teeth 335 - Giant, Armed to the Teeth 100 - Wrecking Team 100 - Wrecking Team 4500

Cunning but Brutal_2
Orcs and Goblins

Orcs and Goblins 300 - Goblin Witch, General (Darrmu), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Obsidian Rock, Crown of Autocracy 245 - Goblin Witch, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Rod of Battle 210 - Goblin Witch, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy 205 - Goblin Demagogue, Battle Standard Bearer (Big Boss Pole, Aether Icon), Shield, Bow 340 - 40 Goblin Rabble, Poisoned Spear and Shield, Bow, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer 310 - 35 Goblin Rabble, Poisoned Spear and Shield, Bow, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer 240 - 40 Goblin Rabble, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Goga Cauldron) 236 - 10 Goblin Reavers, Bow and Spies, Creepy-Crawlies, Musician 554 - 8 Trolls, Bridge Troll, Champion 350 - Guardian Behemoth, Creepy-Crawlies, Scarred Carapace 350 - Guardian Behemoth, Creepy-Crawlies, Scarred Carapace 235 - 15 Gogtuk Neophytes, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer 180 - 10 Gogtuk Neophytes, Creepers, Champion 145 - 10 Gnashers, Gnasher Dashers 145 - 10 Gnashers, Gnasher Dashers 100 - Wrecking Team 100 - Wrecking Team 85 - Goblin Artillery, Skewerer 85 - Goblin Artillery, Skewerer 85 - Goblin Artillery, Skewerer 4500
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