Profile Olle Loeb

1674 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 9, Division 3B, Rank 4
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None Promotion 23.12.2024
Pierre H

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None League 02.12.2024

11 : 9

1278 (+2nd obj.) : 1846


Highborn Elves vs Daemon Legions League 12.11.2024

0 : 0

0 : 0


None vs None League 11.11.2024

3 : 17

2288 : 3485 (+2nd obj.)


Highborn Elves vs Orcs and Goblins League 11.10.2024

11 : 9

3066 : 1485 (+2nd obj.)


Highborn Elves vs Kingdom of Equitaine League 22.09.2024

Lists this season

Highborn Elves

Highborn Elves 575 - Commander, Captain and Attached, Queen's Cavalier, Regal Dragon, Lance 405 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Master of Canreig Tower (Molten Copper, Whispers of the Veil, Predator's Instinct), Light Troops, Dragonforged Armour, Navigator's Banner, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse, Talisman of the Void 260 - Commander, General, Master of Canreig Tower (Molten Copper, Whispers of the Veil, Predator's Instinct), Light Troops, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse 343 - 19 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Sheltering Standard) 331 - 18 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard) 326 - 18 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Sheltering Standard) 400 - 17 Lion Guard, Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming), Musician 380 - Initiate of the Fiery Heart, Wizard Conclave (Molten Copper, Flaming Swords) 380 - Initiate of the Fiery Heart, Wizard Conclave (Flaming Swords, Pyroclastic Flow) 200 - Sea Guard Reaper 200 - Sea Guard Reaper 200 - Sea Guard Reaper 4000

Highborn Elves

Highborn Elves 515 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Fleet Officer, Griffon, Dragonforged Armour, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse (Supernatural Dexterity), Diadem of Protection 460 - Commander, Captain and Attached, Fleet Officer, Griffon, Dragonforged Armour, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse (Eldritch Inscriptions), Talisman of Shielding, Scroll of the Pearl Throne 495 - Mage, General, Order of the Fiery Heart, Light Troops, Wizard Master, Alchemy (Molten Copper, Corruption of Tin, Word of Iron, Quicksilver Lash), Talisman of the Void 500 - 35 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer (Navigator's Banner), Musician 255 - 15 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon) 245 - 15 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer 440 - 19 Lion Guard, Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming), Musician 380 - Initiate of the Fiery Heart, Wizard Conclave (Flaming Swords, Pyroclastic Flow) 200 - Sea Guard Reaper 200 - Sea Guard Reaper 155 - 5 Grey Watchers, Shield 155 - 5 Grey Watchers, Shield 4000
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