Profile Olle Loeb
Current league: 3B Sugulag
Participated in Seasons
Season 9, Division 3B, Rank 4
Opponent | Result | Points | Matchup | Type | Date |
Blacky | 0 : 0 0 : 0 |
na |
None vs None | Promotion | 23.12.2024 |
Pierre H | 0 : 0 0 : 0 |
na |
None vs None | League | 02.12.2024 |
scaurus2000 | 11 : 9 1278 (+2nd obj.) : 1846 |
+52 |
Highborn Elves vs Daemon Legions | League | 12.11.2024 |
Jinn | 0 : 0 0 : 0 |
na |
None vs None | League | 11.11.2024 |
PSz | 3 : 17 2288 : 3485 (+2nd obj.) |
-68 |
Highborn Elves vs Orcs and Goblins | League | 11.10.2024 |
Klexe | 11 : 9 3066 : 1485 (+2nd obj.) |
+189 |
Highborn Elves vs Kingdom of Equitaine | League | 22.09.2024 |
Lists this season