Profile goboss

1809 ladder points

Participated in Seasons

Season 9, Division 3A, Rank 1
Opponent Result Points Matchup Type Date

1 : 19

0 : 4500 (+2nd obj.)


Playoffs 04.01.2025

19 : 1

4500 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Playoffs 27.12.2024

19 : 1

2000 (+2nd obj.) : 0


Dread Elves vs Infernal Dwarfs League 22.11.2024
Alex Jørgensen

20 : 0

4000 (+2nd obj.) : 200


Dread Elves vs Saurian Ancients League 13.11.2024

17 : 3

3755 (+2nd obj.) : 2775


Dread Elves vs Highborn Elves League 31.10.2024
Merlijn Dejonckheere

10 : 10

0 : 0


Dread Elves vs Sylvan Elves League 25.11.2024
Chosen of Sigmar

20 : 0

4000 (+2nd obj.) : 765


Dread Elves vs Vampire Convenant League 25.09.2024

Lists this season

Dread Elves

600 - Sanctioned Warlock, General, Manticore, Wizard Master, Evocation (Whispers of the Veil, Touch of the Reaper, Spectral Blades, Soul Blight), Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity), Destiny's Call 455 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer, Manticore, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse, Talisman of Shielding 130 - Silent Assassin 437 - 23 Silexian Auxiliaries, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician 380 - 25 Temple Militants, Standard Bearer (Sheltering Standard), Musician 185 - 10 Corsairs, Repeater Handbow 488 - 24 Temple Militants, Dancers of Yema, Standard Bearer (Sheltering Standard), Musician 480 - 6 Thunder Pack 220 - Divine Altar, Altar of Tila 210 - Hunting Chariot 210 - Hunting Chariot 205 - 5 Dread Acolytes, Temple Acolytes 4000

Dread Elves

640 - Sanctioned Warlock, General, Manticore, Wizard Master, Evocation (Whispers of the Veil, Touch of the Reaper, Spectral Blades, Soul Blight), Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity), Destiny's Call, Ring of the Obsidian Thrones 455 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer, Manticore, Great Weapon and Elven Finesse, Talisman of Shielding 130 - Silent Assassin 420 - 25 Temple Militants, Standard Bearer (Caedhren's Pennon), Musician 400 - 25 Temple Militants, Standard Bearer (Distortion Emblem), Musician 185 - 10 Corsairs, Repeater Handbow 471 - 23 Temple Militants, Dancers of Yema, Standard Bearer (Sheltering Standard), Musician 454 - 22 Temple Militants, Dancers of Yema, Standard Bearer (Sheltering Standard), Musician 220 - Divine Altar, Altar of Tila 210 - Hunting Chariot 210 - Hunting Chariot 205 - 5 Dread Acolytes, Temple Acolytes 4000
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